Monday, January 14, 2008

1st Assignment: Reading

Today was the first day of reading class for me and I felt very comfortable around everyone. The class started of like the usual first days of any subject with the teacher (Brock aka Mr. Dubbels) introducing himself to the students. He explained briefly what we were going to be doing in the course and the basic rules of the class. Then we were given ten minutes to complete our journal of the day. After the ten minutes a few students shared there journals with the class witch were really good and well written. We also learned some breathing and stretching techniques to help us loosen up more.

After the comforting stretch, Brock showed us how to locate our class file in the s-drive of the computer. We then made an account with and a few other website that included surveys. Nothing was tough about answering the questions given so I completed them with no problem at the end of the class. Today was interesting so I'm really looking forward to learning new lessons in this course of reading this semester.

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